The three most important things I've learned this year from this class is to learn time management, be open with your writing, and to just think creatively.
I think I will definitely remember those speeches we had done for the rest of my life. It was the greatest part of this class. Everyone had trust in everyone to share something close to their hearts. They shared their beliefs. That is what a class family looked like, being able to be so comfortable that we shared a little part of our memory.
The nicest thing someone in our class did for me was simply help me with what I was confused on. It may be small or big, but they helped me get a good grade. Without those people who've helped me, I would probably be struggling with my grades at the moment.
I'm not sure I taught my teacher or my classmates anything this year. I want to believe that I taught them that everything does get better. I want to believe that I taught them to just care for one another even if we don't know them that well.
The area that I feel I made the biggest improvement would have to be putting my thoughts really into my writing. I'm sure my writing has progressed with my words and actual thoughts without tweaking it. I'm proud of that mostly.
The most challenging part was to write about something without including with my own opinions.
The best piece of writing I've done all year was my speech. It's the best because it was real. All my writing were real, but my speech was full of emotions and what I went through. To me and possibly others, my speech was sometinhg special. It was the best because it had a moral to it. It had something that people should remember. My classmates and my teachers now knows what I've been through and see how I am now. It truly does get better. I got better.
My favorite I've read was probably Mockingbird (mok'ing-bûrd) because I related to it. This little girl, Caitlin, had lost her older brother to a school shooter. She's a ten year old with Asperger syndrome (AD). Caitlin wants to help herself and her father but she can't do that if she doesn't know what to do. After the shooting, she now has therapy to help her talk about it. Well, to help her talk at all. It doesn't work though. She wants to help herself, she just wants guidance. Later on, she finds her answer and helps her father also. Her answer was closure.
The advice I would give to the students that are coming next year would be to just be yourself and do not lie Mrs. Larson. Also, to just do your best. It is the last year of middle school, don't give up on it. You'll end up regretting it.
Friday, May 26, 2017
This I Believe
“Everything will be okay”
By Kiana Perez
I believe that obstacles in our life help us grow into better people. The obstacles that seem impossible to overcome are the most important, I would think. They're the ones that help you grow especially.
One summer ago, I had a very bad time with my depression. I’ve had depression ever since I was about eight years old. I’ve had traumatic experiences with my family and then my own issues. They may not seem severe to most people but to me, it was as if it was never going to end. When I got into middle school, it had gotten worse, I’m not sure why. It had gotten to the point where I wouldn’t eat, I would harm myself, I would do all these things that caused harm to me, mentally and physically. I didn’t make it noticeable though. No one knew what was going on with me, not even my family because it didn't affect my schoolwork. That was everyone’s excuse as to why they didn’t realize. Although, I’m sure they were lying. Reason as to why I didn’t show it was because I didn’t want to be more of a disappointment. To me, in my eyes, I wasn't good at anything. I always felt as if no one loved me. I always felt as if no one cared about me. At that time, I had learned to hate myself because there was no way someone could help me. I hated myself because I felt that I wasn't worth anything to get help.
That was before coming to school here started. Ever since I came to a realization, I learned that I needed to be independent. I had to do things on my own. I had to be there that for myself. If no one was going to help me, I had to do it for myself. I still have trouble doing that but I'm trying. It changed me quite a lot. My mindset has grown to the point where someone can tell me anything and I'll be able to adapt to it. All I want to do is to help others because I don't want them to feel the way I do. I wouldn't want my family, friends, even strangers to feel that way because that's the worst feeling possible.
I am grateful that I went through that otherwise I wouldn't be who I am today. We go through things everyday. Some small, some big, we learn and grow from it. Everything will be okay at the end. It always is.
By Kiana Perez
I believe that obstacles in our life help us grow into better people. The obstacles that seem impossible to overcome are the most important, I would think. They're the ones that help you grow especially.
One summer ago, I had a very bad time with my depression. I’ve had depression ever since I was about eight years old. I’ve had traumatic experiences with my family and then my own issues. They may not seem severe to most people but to me, it was as if it was never going to end. When I got into middle school, it had gotten worse, I’m not sure why. It had gotten to the point where I wouldn’t eat, I would harm myself, I would do all these things that caused harm to me, mentally and physically. I didn’t make it noticeable though. No one knew what was going on with me, not even my family because it didn't affect my schoolwork. That was everyone’s excuse as to why they didn’t realize. Although, I’m sure they were lying. Reason as to why I didn’t show it was because I didn’t want to be more of a disappointment. To me, in my eyes, I wasn't good at anything. I always felt as if no one loved me. I always felt as if no one cared about me. At that time, I had learned to hate myself because there was no way someone could help me. I hated myself because I felt that I wasn't worth anything to get help.
That was before coming to school here started. Ever since I came to a realization, I learned that I needed to be independent. I had to do things on my own. I had to be there that for myself. If no one was going to help me, I had to do it for myself. I still have trouble doing that but I'm trying. It changed me quite a lot. My mindset has grown to the point where someone can tell me anything and I'll be able to adapt to it. All I want to do is to help others because I don't want them to feel the way I do. I wouldn't want my family, friends, even strangers to feel that way because that's the worst feeling possible.
I am grateful that I went through that otherwise I wouldn't be who I am today. We go through things everyday. Some small, some big, we learn and grow from it. Everything will be okay at the end. It always is.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Literature Circles/Nonfiction Article Blog
My essential question: Will Jeffery change if he were to become closer with Lindsey?
In After Ever After, the beginning, Jeffrey had cancer. After his cancer, he sought out to have a normal eighth grade life but with still side effects of no more cancer. He wasn't doing good in school. He was barely even focusing on himself. He would space out a lot. Then, Jeffrey met Lindsey. They hit it off, began dating, but she was just another distraction to his schoolwork. He wasn’t concentrating, he would skip studying just to see her, he wasn’t doing the things he needed in order to pass eighth grade. He was focused on Lindsey, and Tad. He was focused on the important things in life but not the important things that’ll actually help him create another life.
In the article, “More children than thought got cancer from Fukushima disaster, study says”, it talks about how radiation is in the air due to a large wave and all these children are becoming infected with the thyroid cancer. This connects with After Ever After by kids rarely having chronic myeloid cancer (CML); that’s what Tad had gotten. Thyroid cancer and CML is rare in children. In the article it says, “The Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan was destroyed by a large wave in 2011. Radioactive material was released into the air and soil.” This is the only reason as to why so many kids have thyroid cancer in the article while in the book, my group does not know how Tad had gotten CML or cancer again in general. Thyroid and Myeloid is basically the same thing. CML is a slowly progressing and uncommon type of blood cells that start at the bone marrow. Thyroid is when cells grow abnormally in the thyroid gland. They both include cells somewhere that causes damage.
In my book, Tad has cancer again, CML. It is rare in kids and mostly rare in kids who've survived cancer. It is only cured with a bone marrow transplant and Gleevec - he may possibly take it for his entire treatment and/or after. Also, radiation from his past treatments may have caused it or him being inactive with his health. In the article it says, “Thyroid cancer among children is definitely linked to radiation, the study said. If treated, thyroid cancer is rarely deadly. However, patients have to take medicine for the rest of their lives.” - just like Tad. But now, he's gone.
The way they both, article and book, transfer the same information is how they talk about a specific cancer caused by radiation. They include separate ways because in the article it is caused by wave. In the book, cancer has been brought back due to whatever had happened to Tad. It is almost the same information just said differently.
In After Ever After, the beginning, Jeffrey had cancer. After his cancer, he sought out to have a normal eighth grade life but with still side effects of no more cancer. He wasn't doing good in school. He was barely even focusing on himself. He would space out a lot. Then, Jeffrey met Lindsey. They hit it off, began dating, but she was just another distraction to his schoolwork. He wasn’t concentrating, he would skip studying just to see her, he wasn’t doing the things he needed in order to pass eighth grade. He was focused on Lindsey, and Tad. He was focused on the important things in life but not the important things that’ll actually help him create another life.
In the article, “More children than thought got cancer from Fukushima disaster, study says”, it talks about how radiation is in the air due to a large wave and all these children are becoming infected with the thyroid cancer. This connects with After Ever After by kids rarely having chronic myeloid cancer (CML); that’s what Tad had gotten. Thyroid cancer and CML is rare in children. In the article it says, “The Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan was destroyed by a large wave in 2011. Radioactive material was released into the air and soil.” This is the only reason as to why so many kids have thyroid cancer in the article while in the book, my group does not know how Tad had gotten CML or cancer again in general. Thyroid and Myeloid is basically the same thing. CML is a slowly progressing and uncommon type of blood cells that start at the bone marrow. Thyroid is when cells grow abnormally in the thyroid gland. They both include cells somewhere that causes damage.
In my book, Tad has cancer again, CML. It is rare in kids and mostly rare in kids who've survived cancer. It is only cured with a bone marrow transplant and Gleevec - he may possibly take it for his entire treatment and/or after. Also, radiation from his past treatments may have caused it or him being inactive with his health. In the article it says, “Thyroid cancer among children is definitely linked to radiation, the study said. If treated, thyroid cancer is rarely deadly. However, patients have to take medicine for the rest of their lives.” - just like Tad. But now, he's gone.
The way they both, article and book, transfer the same information is how they talk about a specific cancer caused by radiation. They include separate ways because in the article it is caused by wave. In the book, cancer has been brought back due to whatever had happened to Tad. It is almost the same information just said differently.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
After Ever After
After Ever After is about an 8th grader, Jeffrey, that had cancer. Tad, his best friend also had cancer. They both are in 8th grade, getting used to things. They’re both trying to be normal. Jeffrey then meets the new girl, Lindsey, and he turns out to like her. Jeffrey’s 8th grade year for him is both good and bad. Due to the cancer, he fidgets and spaces out a lot. His brother, Steven, has gone to Africa. His parents don't believe he’ll pass 8th grade because of his grades - although it isn't his fault. All of that changes when Jeffrey actually wants to try so he could go to highschool with Lindsey. He begins to be tutored by Tad, he begins to work out with Tad, and he begins to be open with Lindsey.
After reading, I wonder what will Jeffrey do next. I wonder how he’ll feel when a specific thing happens to him, his family, and his friends. I wonder what will happen if he were to leave Tad for Lindsey. I wonder if Steven will contact him or even to go see Jeffrey. I always wonder how Jeffrey will end up when he becomes so used to this “normal” routine. Although, I really only worry about his and Tads friendship because I would feel so bad not only because they're their only friends but because how can they just forget about each other? I truly believe that this book will make me cry just a little bit.
This book is so realistic, which is why I enjoy it. Anyone can actually relate to it somehow. It's about an 8th grader who has a crush and cancer but everyone has to know someone who's had cancer or has read about it somewhere. Anyone can look back to 8th grade and their crush, it's simple and it's just like life. It's explains many things - family, friends, self, and school. It's all very complicated and simple.
I commented on Dena's
After reading, I wonder what will Jeffrey do next. I wonder how he’ll feel when a specific thing happens to him, his family, and his friends. I wonder what will happen if he were to leave Tad for Lindsey. I wonder if Steven will contact him or even to go see Jeffrey. I always wonder how Jeffrey will end up when he becomes so used to this “normal” routine. Although, I really only worry about his and Tads friendship because I would feel so bad not only because they're their only friends but because how can they just forget about each other? I truly believe that this book will make me cry just a little bit.
This book is so realistic, which is why I enjoy it. Anyone can actually relate to it somehow. It's about an 8th grader who has a crush and cancer but everyone has to know someone who's had cancer or has read about it somewhere. Anyone can look back to 8th grade and their crush, it's simple and it's just like life. It's explains many things - family, friends, self, and school. It's all very complicated and simple.
I commented on Dena's
Friday, March 31, 2017
Third Quarter Reflection
Third quarter was much better, in my eyes. I had learned a lot. I may not be good as I used to be because it had gotten somewhat harder, I still achieved it.
The biggest improvements I made in ELA, I would say that I know how to keep things locked in my brain. I know the vocabulary words very well and the definitions. I made a big improvement of taking evidence and citing it. I made an improvement of improving my work if it had to be done.
I accomplished the art of perseverance through my work during this quarter for ELA. I am proud of accomplishing the IXLs. I am proud of accomplishing writing decent blogs ever since August. I am proud of accomplishing/creating my butterfly in 2 days.
The most challenging part about third quarter was keeping up with everything at once. Everything was on top of each other at one point that I couldn't sleep for 48 hours, I still got it done though. What I did to overcome it was to do as much as I can at school, I didn't have much to do once I got home. What I still can do to overcome, it would be to keeping doing what I’m doing.
Overall, this was a great quarter, I’m proud of myself.
The biggest improvements I made in ELA, I would say that I know how to keep things locked in my brain. I know the vocabulary words very well and the definitions. I made a big improvement of taking evidence and citing it. I made an improvement of improving my work if it had to be done.
I accomplished the art of perseverance through my work during this quarter for ELA. I am proud of accomplishing the IXLs. I am proud of accomplishing writing decent blogs ever since August. I am proud of accomplishing/creating my butterfly in 2 days.
The most challenging part about third quarter was keeping up with everything at once. Everything was on top of each other at one point that I couldn't sleep for 48 hours, I still got it done though. What I did to overcome it was to do as much as I can at school, I didn't have much to do once I got home. What I still can do to overcome, it would be to keeping doing what I’m doing.
Overall, this was a great quarter, I’m proud of myself.
Life Is Beautiful
Life Is Beautiful and Night had similar events like, the men and women were separated. The rules were explained to the men. The men went straight to work. Also, no food was served, no drinks. The women were sent to their side and they had to get the clothes. They basically had to clean. The men and women, whether friends, family, or anything. They couldn't see each other.
The differences were that the movie was based on Italian Jews while the book had German Jews. In the movie, Guido was married to Dora, a German. She sacrificed her place as a German to be with her small family. In the book, Wiesel had no choice. His family didn't have choice because they were all Jewish. In the movie, Guido had taken his son with him into the camp, to be with him. While in the book, women and children had to be together to be killed instantly, looked as “useless.” In the movie, no one lied about their age. In the book, Wiesel had to lie in order to survive. In the movie, Guido had to lie to his son, Giosué, in order for him to not be scared as to what may happen to them.
The similarity between the mood and tone of both, book and movie is that it gives off sorrow. It is truly heartbreaking to see and read. The tone of the book was so sharp. The book had real experiences, of course it wouldn’t have any humor, for it was serious. The tone of the movie was completely different. Guido had so much humor just for his son. He kept going so his son can see that nothing had changed. He also still had love. He did not give up on that for he still had determination to find his wife. The different point of view in characters creates suspense in the book because Wiesel isn't a character. He’s a real person. He had actually experienced it. In the book it had humor because that's how the character is portrayed. Guido had to be humorous in the case of his son and himself. In order for him to not lose himself in the process. Guido was always humorous with himself, his wife, and son. Their family was very happy.
Life is shown as beautiful throughout the movie because even though they're going through the Holocaust, they still have hope and love within themselves. Guido risked getting caught to let his wife know that he is alive and so is their son. It was truly beautiful. Love is shown even when there is sorrow in the world. Guido’s love for his son and his wife, Dora, helped him to go with such happiness in his heart. He risked his own life, he had his own life taken away to save his son.
The differences were that the movie was based on Italian Jews while the book had German Jews. In the movie, Guido was married to Dora, a German. She sacrificed her place as a German to be with her small family. In the book, Wiesel had no choice. His family didn't have choice because they were all Jewish. In the movie, Guido had taken his son with him into the camp, to be with him. While in the book, women and children had to be together to be killed instantly, looked as “useless.” In the movie, no one lied about their age. In the book, Wiesel had to lie in order to survive. In the movie, Guido had to lie to his son, Giosué, in order for him to not be scared as to what may happen to them.
The similarity between the mood and tone of both, book and movie is that it gives off sorrow. It is truly heartbreaking to see and read. The tone of the book was so sharp. The book had real experiences, of course it wouldn’t have any humor, for it was serious. The tone of the movie was completely different. Guido had so much humor just for his son. He kept going so his son can see that nothing had changed. He also still had love. He did not give up on that for he still had determination to find his wife. The different point of view in characters creates suspense in the book because Wiesel isn't a character. He’s a real person. He had actually experienced it. In the book it had humor because that's how the character is portrayed. Guido had to be humorous in the case of his son and himself. In order for him to not lose himself in the process. Guido was always humorous with himself, his wife, and son. Their family was very happy.
Life is shown as beautiful throughout the movie because even though they're going through the Holocaust, they still have hope and love within themselves. Guido risked getting caught to let his wife know that he is alive and so is their son. It was truly beautiful. Love is shown even when there is sorrow in the world. Guido’s love for his son and his wife, Dora, helped him to go with such happiness in his heart. He risked his own life, he had his own life taken away to save his son.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Elie’s experiences during the Holocaust change him as a person by the way things were for him. At first, Elie was into his religion and a family person. He looked for a mentor for himself because he wanted to know more. Elie was very pious. Unfortunately, that was taken away when Elie, a little boy, was rushed to a place where people of all ages shouldn't be.
The very first reason as to why he had changed was how everything was falling apart, left to right, for him and others. They weren't ready for anything so severe. They really did think that they were going to work in brick factories. Their temple was gone, their shops were trashed, Jews were being shot, and Jews were basically digging their own graves right when they went to “work.” Once Elie and his family got into the reception center for Auschwitz, they were separated. He only had his father now. People who have already been there told them what was up with it. Those prisoners first hand told them what they needed to say in order to stay “safe”, while others threatened them and actually told them the truth. Little by little, it got worse.
Wiesel had started to change the more it got worse. His father had also gotten worse, to the point where he was very weak. Wiesel had changed his mindset to survive. He was close to losing his humanity. His father had gotten beat right by his side and he was moving away so he won't get hit also. Wiesel then looked after his father when they did their march to Gleiwitz - Buchenwald. His father was dying, Wiesel’s father had told him to leave him at one point, “He half opened his eyes. ‘No advice,’ he said in a faint voice. “I’m tired. Leave me alone. Leave me.” (Wiesel 85). He then realized that his father was dying and there was nothing he could do about it. Any prisoner that came upon him had told him to leave his father, to take his rations, that there is no point. Wiesel knew there was no point, that he should take his rations, that he should leave his father but he didn’t. He didn't because his father was all he had left, time had caught up with his father either way. He was without his father now, “I awoke on January 29 at dawn. In my father's place lay another invalid. They must have taken him away before dawn and carried him to the crematory...There were no prayers at his grave. No candles were lit to his memory. His last word was my name. A summons, to which I did not respond.” (Wiesel 106).
Wiesel had to change his values to survive. After his father’s death, he felt nothing. “I might perhaps have found something like-free at last!” (106).
In the beginning, Wiesel was pious. He believed deeply in Him. When arriving at the camps, his faith had begun to decrease. Moshe the Beadle was willing to teach him but he was taken away for being a foreign Jew. That was the first sign of the Nazis taking over. When they finally did take over Sighet, he was confused. He didn't know what was going to happen but he had hoped that God would do something about it. Going to the reception center of Auschwitz, Madame, a woman who didn't know where they were going was screaming, “Look! Look at it! Fire! A terrible fire! Mercy! Oh, that fire!” (Wiesel 22).
Buna was when he actually was doubting his God. Buna was absolute hell for him. He really struggled with his faith. He would question himself. He would scream at his God. Someone had said behind him, “Where is God now?” - “And I heard a voice within me answer him: “Where is He? Here He is-He is hanging here on this gallows…” (Wiesel 62)
Wiesel had given up on his God when he realized that he would not step in to save him and his people. That was his big transformation from his old life. That is what had changed the most, his faith in God.
The very first reason as to why he had changed was how everything was falling apart, left to right, for him and others. They weren't ready for anything so severe. They really did think that they were going to work in brick factories. Their temple was gone, their shops were trashed, Jews were being shot, and Jews were basically digging their own graves right when they went to “work.” Once Elie and his family got into the reception center for Auschwitz, they were separated. He only had his father now. People who have already been there told them what was up with it. Those prisoners first hand told them what they needed to say in order to stay “safe”, while others threatened them and actually told them the truth. Little by little, it got worse.
Wiesel had started to change the more it got worse. His father had also gotten worse, to the point where he was very weak. Wiesel had changed his mindset to survive. He was close to losing his humanity. His father had gotten beat right by his side and he was moving away so he won't get hit also. Wiesel then looked after his father when they did their march to Gleiwitz - Buchenwald. His father was dying, Wiesel’s father had told him to leave him at one point, “He half opened his eyes. ‘No advice,’ he said in a faint voice. “I’m tired. Leave me alone. Leave me.” (Wiesel 85). He then realized that his father was dying and there was nothing he could do about it. Any prisoner that came upon him had told him to leave his father, to take his rations, that there is no point. Wiesel knew there was no point, that he should take his rations, that he should leave his father but he didn’t. He didn't because his father was all he had left, time had caught up with his father either way. He was without his father now, “I awoke on January 29 at dawn. In my father's place lay another invalid. They must have taken him away before dawn and carried him to the crematory...There were no prayers at his grave. No candles were lit to his memory. His last word was my name. A summons, to which I did not respond.” (Wiesel 106).
Wiesel had to change his values to survive. After his father’s death, he felt nothing. “I might perhaps have found something like-free at last!” (106).
In the beginning, Wiesel was pious. He believed deeply in Him. When arriving at the camps, his faith had begun to decrease. Moshe the Beadle was willing to teach him but he was taken away for being a foreign Jew. That was the first sign of the Nazis taking over. When they finally did take over Sighet, he was confused. He didn't know what was going to happen but he had hoped that God would do something about it. Going to the reception center of Auschwitz, Madame, a woman who didn't know where they were going was screaming, “Look! Look at it! Fire! A terrible fire! Mercy! Oh, that fire!” (Wiesel 22).
Buna was when he actually was doubting his God. Buna was absolute hell for him. He really struggled with his faith. He would question himself. He would scream at his God. Someone had said behind him, “Where is God now?” - “And I heard a voice within me answer him: “Where is He? Here He is-He is hanging here on this gallows…” (Wiesel 62)
Wiesel had given up on his God when he realized that he would not step in to save him and his people. That was his big transformation from his old life. That is what had changed the most, his faith in God.
Wiesel, Elie . Night. New York: Bantam , 1960. Print.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Butterfly Project
"I Am A Jew"
I am a Jew and will be a Jew forever.
Even if I should die from hunger,
never will I submit.
I will always fight for my people,
on my honor.
I will never be ashamed of them,
I give my word.
I am proud of my people,
how dignified they are.
Even though I am suppressed,
I will always come back to life.
- Franta Bass
I commented on Dena's, Gabe's, Jackson's, Edgar's, Andrew's blog.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Berlin Memorial Activity
The Berlin Memorial Activity we had done made me feel so empty. The things I've learned from what had happened in those years gave me goosebumps. Jews weren't allowed to have anything. Everything was taken away from them. It's terrible to know that someone so cruel can actually do something because others don't look or believe in a certain way. The fact that all privileges of entertainment, education, and jobs were taken away really broke my heart. Jews were not accepted in society, it's terrifying that it's coming back, just not with Jews.
I believe this monument was built to show that privileges were taken away and now since years have gone by, they would want to remember those who have suffered, lived through it, or passed. They would want those memories to still be alive to show that there will be others who will try to take everything away from you at any given moment, that we should cherish the moments we have now before it disappears.
The number of laws being passed during those specific years were very scattered. The laws were during a specific year, whether it was tons or just one. It seemed as if Hitler planned way before he was granted Chancellor. The laws made the Jews very anxious as to what will happen next, which made Hitler feel very powerful. Until he was under attack because people became woke and went after him.
The restrictions that I would have so much trouble dealing with would be the lost of having animals. I would honestly die if my pets were to be taken away from me. I am a lover of all animals and I can't live without any. I would be very devastated. Animals are like my friends, of course I would be heartbroken. I love animals.
I believe this monument was built to show that privileges were taken away and now since years have gone by, they would want to remember those who have suffered, lived through it, or passed. They would want those memories to still be alive to show that there will be others who will try to take everything away from you at any given moment, that we should cherish the moments we have now before it disappears.
The number of laws being passed during those specific years were very scattered. The laws were during a specific year, whether it was tons or just one. It seemed as if Hitler planned way before he was granted Chancellor. The laws made the Jews very anxious as to what will happen next, which made Hitler feel very powerful. Until he was under attack because people became woke and went after him.
The restrictions that I would have so much trouble dealing with would be the lost of having animals. I would honestly die if my pets were to be taken away from me. I am a lover of all animals and I can't live without any. I would be very devastated. Animals are like my friends, of course I would be heartbroken. I love animals.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Quarter 2 Reflections
Quarter 2 has made me make very great progress in all of my schoolwork. Especially in ELA.
Ever since quarter 2 had started, I began to read way more for the 20 book challenge, I've read about 22 books. I've made the greatest improvements in this class ever. I am on top of everything now. I rarely have homework to do because I actually focus in this class. I accomplished being able to finish a book within a week or so since the new year. I also accomplished getting my IXLs done in 25 minutes or less. The most challenging thing in 2nd quarter for me in ELA would be learning new words for our vocabulary tests. I've learned how to overcome it by reading the dictionary, almost everyday, writing down every word and definition from A to Z (my mom recommended me to).
My research skill somewhat increased. I look up the topic I need information on, and I click on the sites that seem legit. Usually, the ones that are legit are half of the sites, therefore I would have 6 or more tabs open. The blogs have progressed so much from August it's wild. I wasn't a good writer, I was decent. I would only write enough to get the point across, I would get a 2 or 3. Now, if I'm lucky I'd only get 3's, since I put so much information to go above and beyond. I will strive for 4's only next quarter for sure.
I read a lot of books this quarter. I guess my recent favorites would be, A Child Called It and Darkness Before Dawn. A Child Called It, the reason I love it is because it's so emotional and the author's actual life. This actually happened, meaning it can happen to anyone. Anyone can be saved if they were to speak up, that is the message. The victim will never be at fault for being abused in a family or relationship. Darkness Before Dawn, Dena recommended it to me, I finished it in a week. It has a strong message, that just because someone's appearance is clean and neat, doesn't mean that their personality/mentality is also. I would literally recommend that book to everyone in the world. This world needs to read it. Police need to read. Judges need to read it. I only say that because apparently just because someone is white and has a great education means that they made a mistake(murder, rape, etc.) because they're human and that it won't happen again, even though they had done it way before. Anyways, I really enjoyed that book very much. I learned a lot from it. This was the best quarter, hopefully 3rd and 4th will be too.
Ever since quarter 2 had started, I began to read way more for the 20 book challenge, I've read about 22 books. I've made the greatest improvements in this class ever. I am on top of everything now. I rarely have homework to do because I actually focus in this class. I accomplished being able to finish a book within a week or so since the new year. I also accomplished getting my IXLs done in 25 minutes or less. The most challenging thing in 2nd quarter for me in ELA would be learning new words for our vocabulary tests. I've learned how to overcome it by reading the dictionary, almost everyday, writing down every word and definition from A to Z (my mom recommended me to).
My research skill somewhat increased. I look up the topic I need information on, and I click on the sites that seem legit. Usually, the ones that are legit are half of the sites, therefore I would have 6 or more tabs open. The blogs have progressed so much from August it's wild. I wasn't a good writer, I was decent. I would only write enough to get the point across, I would get a 2 or 3. Now, if I'm lucky I'd only get 3's, since I put so much information to go above and beyond. I will strive for 4's only next quarter for sure.
I read a lot of books this quarter. I guess my recent favorites would be, A Child Called It and Darkness Before Dawn. A Child Called It, the reason I love it is because it's so emotional and the author's actual life. This actually happened, meaning it can happen to anyone. Anyone can be saved if they were to speak up, that is the message. The victim will never be at fault for being abused in a family or relationship. Darkness Before Dawn, Dena recommended it to me, I finished it in a week. It has a strong message, that just because someone's appearance is clean and neat, doesn't mean that their personality/mentality is also. I would literally recommend that book to everyone in the world. This world needs to read it. Police need to read. Judges need to read it. I only say that because apparently just because someone is white and has a great education means that they made a mistake(murder, rape, etc.) because they're human and that it won't happen again, even though they had done it way before. Anyways, I really enjoyed that book very much. I learned a lot from it. This was the best quarter, hopefully 3rd and 4th will be too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Book Talk
The nonfiction book I'm currently reading is called, "A Child Called It" by Dave Pelzer.
The book is about a little boy who grows up in a home where he was loved, cared for, and happy with his family. In a matter of seconds, that all went down the drain when his mother had a change of heart. She abused him. She would starve him. She did all these things to a little boy, who was her own. This all took place in their home, in which it became, HER home.
David is the main character, the author is the main character.
A struggle he had to overcome was everything. He had to overcome anything his mother did, he had to show nothing about what he felt because she wouldn't care. He had to overcome his fear, his starvation, his suffering. This book is saddening - it hurts my heart, I dislike it. I would say the theme of the book is patience that just because you're suffering now doesn't mean you're going to suffer forever - there will be a time where an "angel" will be sent to you and save you. David, he was thrown all these obstacles and he found out things about himself that he never knew he was capable of doing.
Even though this book hurts a my heart, I love this book. It is now in my top 5 favorite books. I like this book due to it being real and having a before/after thing coming up. I would literally recommend this book to anyone who has been abused or anyone that is abusing others. The reason for showing someone who abuses others is for them to look on how it destroys someone emotionally, physically, and mentally. If they still had humanity in them, they would rethink their choices of hurting others. The reason of showing those who have been abused is for them having some hope.
The book is about a little boy who grows up in a home where he was loved, cared for, and happy with his family. In a matter of seconds, that all went down the drain when his mother had a change of heart. She abused him. She would starve him. She did all these things to a little boy, who was her own. This all took place in their home, in which it became, HER home.
David is the main character, the author is the main character.
A struggle he had to overcome was everything. He had to overcome anything his mother did, he had to show nothing about what he felt because she wouldn't care. He had to overcome his fear, his starvation, his suffering. This book is saddening - it hurts my heart, I dislike it. I would say the theme of the book is patience that just because you're suffering now doesn't mean you're going to suffer forever - there will be a time where an "angel" will be sent to you and save you. David, he was thrown all these obstacles and he found out things about himself that he never knew he was capable of doing.
Even though this book hurts a my heart, I love this book. It is now in my top 5 favorite books. I like this book due to it being real and having a before/after thing coming up. I would literally recommend this book to anyone who has been abused or anyone that is abusing others. The reason for showing someone who abuses others is for them to look on how it destroys someone emotionally, physically, and mentally. If they still had humanity in them, they would rethink their choices of hurting others. The reason of showing those who have been abused is for them having some hope.
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