The Berlin Memorial Activity we had done made me feel so empty. The things I've learned from what had happened in those years gave me goosebumps. Jews weren't allowed to have anything. Everything was taken away from them. It's terrible to know that someone so cruel can actually do something because others don't look or believe in a certain way. The fact that all privileges of entertainment, education, and jobs were taken away really broke my heart. Jews were not accepted in society, it's terrifying that it's coming back, just not with Jews.
I believe this monument was built to show that privileges were taken away and now since years have gone by, they would want to remember those who have suffered, lived through it, or passed. They would want those memories to still be alive to show that there will be others who will try to take everything away from you at any given moment, that we should cherish the moments we have now before it disappears.
The number of laws being passed during those specific years were very scattered. The laws were during a specific year, whether it was tons or just one. It seemed as if Hitler planned way before he was granted Chancellor. The laws made the Jews very anxious as to what will happen next, which made Hitler feel very powerful. Until he was under attack because people became woke and went after him.
The restrictions that I would have so much trouble dealing with would be the lost of having animals. I would honestly die if my pets were to be taken away from me. I am a lover of all animals and I can't live without any. I would be very devastated. Animals are like my friends, of course I would be heartbroken. I love animals.