Sunday, October 30, 2016

Newscast Revised

Chicago Cubs Win

  In over 100 years, The Cubs had won Game 6 for World Series vs The Dodgers. This occurred on Saturday night, October 22nd around 7pm at Wrigley Field. 0-5 was the score of this big win for themselves and for their fans.
“...but this right here is unbelievable right now…”, said Kyle Hendricks when asked how it feels like to win a game that allows them to go to the World Series after 71 years.
When the game had ended, once they won, fireworks had gone off for this great win. Everyone was going tremendously wild. There was screaming, crying, and fireworks! The fireworks really brought out the celebration because it allowed everyone to be loud to show appreciation. They deserved it. The Chicago Cubs deserved it.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

1st Quarter Reflections

I read about 7 books for the 10 book reading challenge. Most of them are fiction. Most of them are some that I have already read during summer or a few years ago. And some are ones I haven't quite finished reading. By the end of November, I will probably be done with the ten books and will go on to fifteen and so on. I enjoy reading so this challenge is and never will be a problem for me.

This ELA class has benefited me with putting more details into my writing. I know that is what I lack the most out of everything. I leave out specific details that are needed. The more we have of annotating and all, the more I would be greater with it. Even though we are moving forth with or without it, I will strive for more details than ever. Although, I do feel as if I'm much more better than I was before.

 I don't toot my own horn usually but I think of myself as a good writer. Especially when it comes to things I actually like writing about. Since August, I've been trying to paint a picture for those who read my writing. In this class, we do have somethings I enjoy writing about, therefore most of my writing will be more advanced than others that aren't in my exact "enjoy writing about" section. Now, I've been okay with all of the topics we are supposed to write about. I no longer have a problem with writing about things that I don't necessarily like.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


The Giver, both the movie and the book, the grandparents scene is different. I think the only reason why they put the Grandparents in the beginning is because they wanted to move faster on love and more memories to come. The only reason i could think of as to why they would put the Grandparents into the end for the book is to give the suspense about love and memories - putting it all together at the end instead of having it all figured out in the beginning, giving nothing else at the end.

Personally, I did not like the fact that they chose someone much older. Although, it is okay because it gives more of a mature vibe to kids who are watching the movie. But, if they actually chose a 12 year old, it would give kids an actual lesson that we aren't young enough to know anything in the world. We are not young to not know anything about the world. That we are capable of knowing and solving things no one else can. That, would have been much better. Jonas was seen as a 12 year old boy with pale eyes. Obviously, in the movie he is not 12 nor does he have pale eyes. An actor I would've chosen to be Jonas would be, Chandler Canterbury. Chandler may be 17 but he looks much younger and he has somewhat pale eyes. He would have been a better choice, my opinion.

I would have to say the book gave me a much better understanding. Lowis broke it down and made it more easier to understand than the director of the movie did. The book was more understandable due to it taking its time to actually reach the climax and action of the whole plot. The movie just rushed all of it, it got right to the point. Yes, I like that too but I like suspense of the book way more. Especially, the book explains and gives way more details than the movie.

Friday, October 14, 2016


Memories and emotions help people to shape themselves. Jonas is a dynamic character because at first, he was somewhat selfish. He would only worry about himself, basically. He would mention others but he would mostly worry about him and what he got. When Asher mentioned someone applying for Elsewhere, Jonas shrugged because it did not involve him nor did it worry him - "Jonas shrugged. It didn't worry him." (48). Also, when mention a Three, he remembered himself - "Jonas did too. Although, he had been a Three at the time himself." (54). He did not know pain. He knew nothing about anything. Therefore, he wasn't able to feel pain. At the end of the book, Jonas has all these memories and emotions. He has all of those under control. He cares about others more than himself to the point where he had left the community in order for everyone to get the bad memories but following up with the great ones - "If he stayed, he would have starved in other ways. He would have lived a life hungry for feelings, for color, for love. And Gabriel? For Gabriel there would have been no life at all. So there had not really been a choice.” (174). It said that he wept because he couldn't save Gabriel, he no longer cared about himself - “He wept because he was afraid now that he could not save Gabriel. He no longer cared about himself” (174). That is love. He transferred love to Gabriel. He was able to because after everything he went through, he still had something strong within himself, just for Gabriel. Jonas saw war and death. He went through all that pain. But through it all, he found something brighter. He saw the beauty of having memories.

To find love, you need to go through hardships. That is what Jonas went through. He saw all the terrible things that had been taken away. And, he saw all the great things that had been taken away - color, laughter, animals etc. With all the terrible memories that had been expose to him, he chose to focus on the greater good. He focused on what could be good for himself and the community, memories, feelings, love, and nature, colors. With the hardships (bad memories - pain), he found love. He was given the opportunity to love and to care. He found love for those he surrounded himself with, especially Fiona, "...female Eleven named Fiona. Jonas liked Fiona." (28), The Giver, You may stay here tonight. I want to talk to you. But you must be quiet now, while I notify your family unit...notify the new receivers family unit that he will be staying with me tonight..."and Gabriel, "And he had taken Gabriel, too." As he shared fondly bonding with the people he loves and cares about, he found love.